It has a considerable export-import trade, which often leads to congestion of commercial and freight traffic areas on the roads. The presence of all these 18-wheelers means truck accidents are a reality.

Sadly, due to the size and mass of these vehicles, 18-wheeler accidents tend to be far more serious than those that only involve passenger cars. These 18-wheeler crashes can leave victims with serious injuries that can sometimes cause wrongful death. What’s worse is that many of these accidents are a result of negligence, either on the part of the truck driver or a third party.

Truck – 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyers Austin

Overview: Carabin Shaw is one of the leading personal injury law firms in South – Central Texas. They have extensive experience in car accident cases, focusing on getting clients the compensation they deserve for medical bills, property damage, and pain and suffering.
Specialization: Personal injury, car accidents, wrongful death, truck accident injury, 18-wheeler accidents.
Why choose them?: Carabin Shaw offers a free initial consultation, and their team is known for fighting aggressively for their clients’ rights.

Truck – 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyers Austin

These Topics Cover a Broad Range of Legal Aspects and Issues Related to 18-Wheeler Truck Accidents in Austin, Offering Valuable Insights for Victims and Those Seeking Legal Assistance in the Aftermath of a Crash

It’s a coincidence that you found this discussion just after witnessing an 18-wheeler accident on the highway. Understanding the legal landscape surrounding such incidents in Austin can be essential for victims like you. From identifying liability to maneuvering complex trucking regulations, there’s a lot to unpack that could greatly impact your case. Knowing what steps to take and how to effectively file insurance claims can make all the difference. But what do you need to know first to guarantee you’re fully prepared to pursue the compensation you deserve?

Key Takeaways

– 18-wheeler accidents often result in serious injuries and significant property damage, necessitating immediate legal action to address claims.
– Liability in truck accidents involves multiple parties, including drivers, trucking companies, and manufacturers, complicating the claims process.
– Essential documentation, such as police reports and witness statements, is vital for establishing liability and supporting insurance claims.
– Understanding trucking regulations helps victims advocate for safety and hold negligent parties accountable for accidents.
– Legal representation ensures thorough investigation and negotiation for fair compensation, protecting victims’ […]

Truck – 18 Wheeler Accident Lawyers Austin2025-03-19T12:54:14+00:00

The Importance of Police Reports in Truck Accident Cases

This Blog was brought to you by the San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer, Carabin Shaw – Principal Office in San Antonio

The Importance of Police Reports in Truck Accident Cases

When it comes to steering through the complexities of truck accident cases, you might find that police reports serve as the backbone of your understanding. These documents provide a clear, official account of the incident, which can be critical in establishing liability and guiding insurance claims. However, the nuances within these reports can greatly impact your case’s outcome. It’s crucial to know what to look for and how to leverage this information effectively, especially when stakes are high and every detail matters. What specific elements should you be aware of to strengthen your position? More about our truck accident lawyer San Antonio here

Overview of Police Reports

What makes police reports essential in truck accident cases is their ability to provide a clear, unbiased account of the incident. When you find yourself involved in such an accident, understanding what’s documented in these reports can make a significant difference. They serve as an official record, detailing facts like the time, location, and circumstances of the crash. Police officers gather information from various sources, including witnesses, involved parties, and physical evidence, ensuring a thorough overview. More info on this website

You’ll notice that police reports often contain diagrams and notations that help visualize the scene. This visual representation can clarify how the accident occurred and might even highlight contributing factors.

Additionally, these reports can be critical for insurance claims, as they provide an objective basis for evaluating liability and damages. If you ever need to […]

The Importance of Police Reports in Truck Accident Cases2024-11-28T17:36:31+00:00

18-Wheeler Accident Attorneys

Laredo - south Texas Truck accident attorneys

18-Wheeler Accident Attorneys – Our Truck Accident Attorney is on Your Side

Though it may seem entirely obvious that you were blameless in your 18-wheeler accident, winning full compensation for your losses is neither guaranteed nor an automatic process. By law, the defendant or defendants in your case owe you nothing at the start. In short, to recover compensation for your losses, you have to fight for your rights.

The fact is, unrepresented big rig accident victims, that is to say, victims who choose to represent themselves, almost never receive the entire compensation that their cases merit. Often, an experienced 18-wheeler accident attorney can be the key to ensure you recover thousands or even millions of dollars for your injuries, rather than recovering nothing at all.

Despite the fact that receiving compensation for your losses in the aftermath of an 18-wheeler accident isn’t automatic, it doesn’t have to be difficult, either. Understanding your rights and making sure you have an experienced personal injury attorney at your side, you’ll greatly increase your chance of winning your case and holding the blameworthy defendants accountable for their misdeeds. In the information that follows, we’ll go over the basics of the 18-wheeler accident lawyer to help you understand your rights.

This article is meant to explain just the fundamentals of truck accident law. To learn more about the precise legal implications of your exact situation, call us toll-free. We’ll gladly answer your questions about tractor-trailer accident law and give you a free consultation.

The Importance of Litigation

Filing a claim or bringing a lawsuit against a defendant or against multiple defendants serves two […]

18-Wheeler Accident Attorneys2024-09-03T17:36:12+00:00

Unsafe Trucking Practices

Our Texas Truck Accident Injury Lawyer Discusses Common Unsafe Trucking Practices

Unsafe trucking practices lead to approximately 100,000 injuries and 5,000 deaths per year in the United States alone. These astronomical numbers are a somber reminder that this necessary part of modern living has its price. Large commercial trucks, 18-wheelers, semis, big-rigs, and other types of commercial vehicles can cause immense damage when even a small error occurs. Trucking accidents in Texas can be caused by any number of unsafe trucking practices.truck accident attorneys

Asleep at the Wheel

Truckers earn their wages by spending time on the road and by quickly delivering their goods. This can be a recipe for disaster as it causes some truck drivers to overextend themselves and drive too long under poor, personal physical conditions. Likely causes of truck accidents often involve a driver falling asleep at the wheel, then causing devastating amounts of damage to both themselves and others. While these are well-known risks, Congress recently chose to actually extend the number of possible hours a truck driver is allowed to legally drive from ten hours to eleven hours. Adding that extra hour may not seem like much, but, in reality, it has been a continual cause for unsafe trucking practices.

However, there are rules and regulations stated by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, or FMCSA, that define the necessary limits of fatigue and other factors relating to commercial truck drivers:

Article 392.3 – Ill or fatigued operator
“No driver shall operate a commercial motor vehicle, and a motor carrier shall not require or permit a driver to operate a commercial motor vehicle, while the driver’s ability or alertness is so impaired, or so likely […]

Unsafe Trucking Practices2024-09-03T17:39:14+00:00

Truck Accident Attorneys – Satisfying the Burden of Proof

Satisfying the Burden of Proof

As we stated previously, in the state of Texas, the law does not require a defendant to pay a victim anything after he or she has been injured in a truck accident. The victim, or plaintiff, has to prove the defendant owes him or her compensation. And in order to get that compensation, the victim has to produce compelling evidence to sway a judge or jury. Evidence still needs to be produced even when negotiating an out-of-court settlement; the defendant or the defendant’s insurance provider must be compelled to negotiate in good faith; that won’t happen if you don’t have evidence on your side. In order to meet the burden of proof, you need to establish duty, breach, causation, and damages. These are detailed below.San Antonio Truck Accident Attorney - 18 wheeler accident lawyers

Duty – The state of Texas has established that everyone owes everyone else a duty of care. In your case, you have to prove the defendant owed you the duty of providing for your safety by behaving in a responsible manner. There are different levels of duty of care that apply in different ways. In the case of motorists, all drivers owe all other drivers a duty of care to drive in a manner that is safe for everyone else on the road. In the case of a truck accident, this is a fairly easy element to establish.

Breach – You must next prove that the defendant (or defendants) breached that duty of care that you were owed. This breach typically occurs when a defendant places others in danger, either through an action that […]

Truck Accident Attorneys – Satisfying the Burden of Proof2024-03-19T02:47:01+00:00

Wrongful Death Lawyers on Fatal Semi-Truck Accidents and the Aftermath

Wrongful Death Lawyers on Fatal Semi-Truck Accidents and the Aftermath

Have you suffered a loss recently in a tragically fatal semi-truck accident in Texas? It is a sad fact that no action can bring back your loved one or somehow make up for the tragic loss. However, following such an accident you do have several choices for how to proceed legally in order to achieve some compensation for your loss as well as some justice for those whose negligence caused the loss.

You might ask us, what are the legal options following such a tragedy, and whom will I need to contact to start the process to achieve just restitution and to bring those responsible to account for their actions? In any case of wrongful death involving motor vehicles and especially in cases involving semi-trucks, the practical and legal proceedings are complex and convoluted, far beyond the skill-set of an inexperienced attorney, much less someone who does not have a legal background or have extensive knowledge of the law who might try and represent themselves. wrongful death attorneys

The fact that it is a wrongful death case will make it complicated such that only an experienced attorney can hope to bring you through the situation. The fatal semi-truck accident wrongful death lawsuit is a complicated process made more so by each of its components. Our Law Office offers this article by way of information so that you have the tools to make your first step in the arduous process following the tragic loss of a loved one to a fatal semi-truck accident. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us for a free consultation. […]

Wrongful Death Lawyers on Fatal Semi-Truck Accidents and the Aftermath2024-03-19T02:47:53+00:00

Accident Attorneys – Personal Injury Law

The Value of an Experienced Lawyer Handle Your Personal Injury Case is Clear

A common misconception within the general public is to assume that Texas law will promise them equal financial recovery for their injuries with little trouble just because the law is on their side. But what we actually have is the right to equal financial recovery through the courts. If we want that recompense, we must fight for it ourselves. It’s not given to us automatically.accident injury lawyers

Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Codes state only that accident victims may seek compensation, following specific legal guidelines, from negligent defendants. The first rule is the burden of proving the damages are owed to us, as we have already said. To be compensated, we must convince the jury that the defendant’s negligence is indeed the cause of the accident, and all the misery we have suffered because of it. Personal injury cases can get extremely litigious. It takes a special kind of attorney to be successful in this type of law. And a host of less-than-knowledgeable people are more than willing to give you “free legal advice” (which is often worth what you pay for it: nothing)

You also might have a relative or friend who is a lawyer who wants to protect your best interests and represent you in a personal injury claim or lawsuit. And though we would never tell you what to do, we will say that when it comes to legal representation of any type, you might want to reconsider retaining anyone who might have a difficult time emotionally disassociating him or herself from your case. Personal […]

Accident Attorneys – Personal Injury Law2024-03-19T02:48:34+00:00

Truck Accident Attorneys San Antonio – Personal Injury Law

Our Law Firm Can Help Following Accidents With Fallen 18-Wheeler Truck Cargo

As if the thought of an encounter or collision with a massive tractor-trailer a.k.a. “18-wheeler” coming at you on the highway isn’t enough to put fear in the hearts of the bravest of the brave, here is one other kind of catastrophic collision to add to that list of things that might ruin your day.

In addition to having to share the road with the SUVs, and other types of passenger vehicles, commercial buses, and motor homes consider those long flatbed trucks. You have seen them with the huge tarps covering their cargo but somehow a section of flap usually always works its way loose and you can almost always get a glimpse of what is being transported underneath. Sometimes there are big long sections of underground piping, other times laying on the bed of a truck is long twisted or plaited aluminum wiring almost the entire length of the trailer itself. Many times when one of those monster flatbeds pass, you cannot help but notice that all that is keeping that shipment intact on the flatbed are those big wide metal bands that are tightly bound around the entire shipment. You just hope and pray that every band tightly ratcheted down will hold—at least until you pass. Falling cargo truck accidents almost always end with a fatality. With a sudden shift of the load when the truck driver attempts to avoid a collision by jerking the wheel, it could either be the end of a beautiful day or the beginning of a bad day. Just imagine the stress on those ratcheted metal tie-downs becoming too much and resulting in all those bands breaking loose. […]

Truck Accident Attorneys San Antonio – Personal Injury Law2024-03-09T18:27:51+00:00

Trucking Companies And Their Insurance Policies

Trucking Companies And Their Insurance Policies

The worst part is that you can’t just demand compensation from the court and think you’ll get it quickly. You must provide factual evidence that points out not just your losses but also how you came up with that value for those damages. What happens then is that defendants will likely fight about the total compensation owed by the plaintiff and then submit their own amount owed, which will likely decrease the overall amount of harm the plaintiff has endured. If you’re wanting to show how the defendant took the sneaky cheap way out, you must present unflappable evidence that prove your numbers are spot on.Laredo - south Texas Truck accident attorneys

What is the true cost of my case? Damages like pain and suffering and loss of earning capacity are very subjective and always up for debate, and they’re also nearly impossible to total for regular citizens. It’s complicated putting a value on pain and suffering or estimate lost earning capacity by figuring the overall value of potential raises and inflation. In the trial, you’ve got one shot to compile the amount of equitable compensation you should get. For the past 20 years, our 18-wheeler accident lawyers have been totaling damages and we have gained enough familiarity with cases such as yours to learn how to take all your losses and get an estimation of the compensation that will assist your family in getting the restitution they desire.

If you can’t show any of these four elements, you’ll probably fail at getting compensation for the harm incurred to you. You need the help of an 18-wheeler accident lawyer – especially if you […]

Trucking Companies And Their Insurance Policies2024-03-09T18:28:11+00:00

Truck Accident Law : Investigating Technique – DOT Physical Results

Investigating Technique – DOT Physical Results

San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyers » Investigating Technique – DOT Physical Results

Obtaining the Truck Driver’s Medical Certification & DOT Physical Results Following a Commercial Vehicle Accident

Commercial trucking companies have a duty to employ drivers that are drug-free and physically able to drive the massive tractor-trailer trucks that share our roads and highways. To ensure that the drivers are physically able to perform their job duties as a commercial truck drivers, the Department of Transportation requires that drivers take a physical and obtain the proper Medical Certificate signed by a medical examiner that certifies their physical health and ability to drive commercial vehicles. The Medical Certificate is valid for two years.Laredo - south Texas Truck accident attorneys

The medical examiners are not required to provide the medical exam information to the driver’s employer, but they are required to supply the Medical Certificate to the employer if the driver passes the exam. Therefore, it is logical step for the commercial trucking company to have medical certificates on file for each of its drivers as the medical certificate is something each driver must have passed to be permitted to drive commercial trucks in the first place. The trucking company has a duty to ensure that the drivers in its employ meet the state and federal requirements for commercial truck drivers, and this includes the physical ability of the driver. More information here

If you are in an accident with a tractor-trailer it is important that the Department of Transportation’s physical results on the driver are obtained as soon as possible. The trucking company should have the medical certificate on […]

Truck Accident Law : Investigating Technique – DOT Physical Results2022-04-12T19:49:54+00:00
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