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Accident Attorneys – Personal Injury Law

The Value of an Experienced Lawyer Handle Your Personal Injury Case is Clear

A common misconception within the general public is to assume that Texas law will promise them equal financial recovery for their injuries with little trouble just because the law is on their side. But what we actually have is the right to equal financial recovery through the courts. If we want that recompense, we must fight for it ourselves. It’s not given to us automatically.accident injury lawyers

Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Codes state only that accident victims may seek compensation, following specific legal guidelines, from negligent defendants. The first rule is the burden of proving the damages are owed to us, as we have already said. To be compensated, we must convince the jury that the defendant’s negligence is indeed the cause of the accident, and all the misery we have suffered because of it. Personal injury cases can get extremely litigious. It takes a special kind of attorney to be successful in this type of law. And a host of less-than-knowledgeable people are more than willing to give you “free legal advice” (which is often worth what you pay for it: nothing)

You also might have a relative or friend who is a lawyer who wants to protect your best interests and represent you in a personal injury claim or lawsuit. And though we would never tell you what to do, we will say that when it comes to legal representation of any type, you might want to reconsider retaining anyone who might have a difficult time emotionally disassociating him or herself from your case. Personal […]

Accident Attorneys – Personal Injury Law2024-03-19T02:48:34+00:00

Personal Injury Lawyers: Discusses Drinking and Driving Statistics in Texas

Texas Personal Injury & Wrongful Death Lawyer: Discusses Drinking and Driving Statistics in Texas

Drunk driving is a major problem in the United States. Unfortunately, it’s an even greater problem in Texas. The drunk driving attorneys at our Law Offices share the following intoxicated accident statistics with you in hopes that you will recall them the next time you, or someone you’re with, thinks they’re able to drive a vehicle, even if they’ve had a few drinks.

Texas holds the dubious honor of having the most drunken driving related accidents in all of the United States. In other words, more accidents occur in Texas related to drunk drivers than anywhere else in the country. personal injury law

When a fatality occurs on Texas roads caused by a vehicle, nearly fifty percent of these accidents are caused by drunk drivers.
Drunk drivers are the cause behind five deaths per day in Texas.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that 1,200 people were killed in Texas in one year as a result of intoxicated drivers.
These drunk driving accident statistics are a grim reminder of the incalculable cost of human lives lost because of drunk drivers.

Regulating the BAC

Furthermore, while steps have been made by the federal and state governments to properly regulate blood alcohol content levels, more progress could be made. Today, every state must enforce a blood alcohol content (BAC) level of .08%. In the early ‘90s, the legal BAC level was .10% for most states. Studies that compared alcohol-related accidents from both time periods showed a marked decrease in incidents after the BAC level was lowered. However, despite this improvement, 16,000 people are still killed every year […]

Personal Injury Lawyers: Discusses Drinking and Driving Statistics in Texas2024-03-09T18:28:31+00:00

Foreseeability in a Personal Injury Case

Legal Elements

Foreseeability in a Personal Injury Case

San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyers » Foreseeability in a Personal Injury Case

What is Foreseeability, and How Does it Affect my Personal Injury Case?

Foreseeability is a prerequisite for determining if someone acted negligently. To prove that someone acted negligently you must prove that there was a duty of care, that duty was breached, these actions caused the injury, and that the victim suffered actual damages. The concept of foreseeability is utilized in determining duty of care, breach, and causation. Consequently, foreseeability is basically the foundation for negligence claims. Foreseeability involves knowing that the act or failure to act presented a danger to others. Being able to foresee something is essentially being able to reasonably predict or know in advance that something would happen. Therefore, foreseeability is being able to reasonably predict or know beforehand that your action or inaction would or could cause another person harm.accident attorneys

How Does Foreseeability Affect Duty of Care?

A person is only responsible for your injuries if they first had a duty of care. The court must first determine whether or not the defendant even owed any duty of care. If they rule that they did owe you a duty of care, they are faced with deeper queries. They then must define the scope of that duty of care. For example, if you are swimming at the beach and you begin to drown, the lifeguard has a required duty to protect you. But how far must he go to make sure that you do not die? Does he only have to pull you out of the water and remove you from that danger, or is he required […]

Foreseeability in a Personal Injury Case2022-04-12T19:51:34+00:00

Spinal Cord Injuries – A very Serious Matter

Spinal Cord Injuries – A very Serious Matter

Every 49 minutes an American sustains an injury to the spinal column. Each year, around 11,000 people suffer spinal injuries. Eighty percent of those injured are men; a majority are young adults between the ages of 16 and 30, and their injuries are largely caused by trauma such as motor vehicle crashes, acts of violence, and sports and recreation injuries. Falls also account for a large number of spinal cord injuries.personal injury attorneys

A spinal cord injury is any damage to the spinal cord that causes loss of sensation or motor control. The type of function affected depends upon where along the back and spine the damage occurred, as well as the severity of the injury. If you have suffered a spinal cord injury in an accident, selecting an attorney to represent you is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Your life will change as the result of a spinal cord injury, and the compensation you receive from a personal injury lawsuit can affect not only the quality of your life but your future financial security. The spinal cord injury attorneys at our Law Firm are dedicated to helping relieve the uncertainty and anxiety you face after a spinal cord injury. Call today for a free evaluation of your spinal cord injury case.

There are basically two types of spinal cord injuries; complete and partial. Forty-five percent of all spinal cord injuries are complete, which means there is a loss of function below the point of injury, with both sides of the body usually affected. This can result in paralysis of all four limbs, […]

Spinal Cord Injuries – A very Serious Matter2022-04-12T19:34:25+00:00

What to Expect in Your San Antonio – Laredo Personal Injury Case

What to Expect in Your Personal Injury Case

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How The Process Works

San Antonio – Laredo Truck Accident Lawsuit

We often find that our clients want to have a good understanding of what to expect in their case. In this article, we’ll walk you through the various aspects of a normal personal injury case.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not as simple as filling a claim and the defendant voluntarily paying you for your suffering. In fact, most defendants will do anything to avoid paying you a fair amount, and your ability to get adequate compensation is based on how well you convince the defendant that a jury would make them pay a large sum of money. Everything done by your attorney is done for that reason.truck accident lawyer san antonio - laredo

Finding the Right Attorney

The first thing you will do is talk to one of our experienced attorneys here at Grossman Law Offices so that they can ask you a few questions before scheduling an in-office appointment. They will briefly discuss the details of your claim and get a better understanding about how we might specifically be able to help you.

When you come in for your appointment, we will go over every detail of your injury. We will ask you questions like where you were injured, when you sought medical attention, and how your doctor has treated your injuries so far. If you were injured while working, the outcome of your personal injury claim will largely revolve around whether your employer is a subscriber or a nonsubscriber to workers’ compensation.

The Discovery Process

A large amount of time in personal injury lawsuits is comprised of what […]

What to Expect in Your San Antonio – Laredo Personal Injury Case2022-04-12T19:27:45+00:00
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