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Dog Bite Attorney Victoria, Texas

Our Bite Attorney Takes Care Of Injured Person Claim

Dogs matter a great deal to Americans with nearly 40% of US households owning at least one dog. However, as much as we love dogs, it’s important to remember that dogs can be unpredictable. They can attack without warning, and sometimes the results can be devastating.

Our experienced Personal Injury Lawyers – Dog Bite Attorneys, have dealt with countless dog attack cases, and we know how difficult it can be to move forward from such a traumatic incident. Not only are victims left coping with physical injuries and scars, but they often suffer from mental anguish and episodes of post traumatic stress.

It’s important that dog bite victims are given a chance to focus their time and energy on their recovery, which is why it’s essential to seek the help of our knowledgeable attorneys who can handle your personal claim for you. Contact our law office for more information on how our dog bite attorneys can help you move forward.

Dog Bite attorneys Victoria

Claim Types for Dog Bite Injury in Victoria Texas

In Texas, you can file a negligence claim and/or a strict liability claim for a dog bite.

In order to proceed with a negligence claim, the injured party/plaintiff must prove that the dog’s owner (or dog walker) was negligent and that the owner’s negligence resulted in their injuries. Negligence on the part of the owner may involve an inappropriately restrained dog, a poorly trained or untrained dog, or the owner made very little effort to intervene during an attack.

The defendant/dog owner is held responsible for injuries caused by his or her dog provided the victim/plaintiff has the evidence to prove that the dog in question has/had dangerous tendencies compared to other dogs, that the owner or defendant knew or had reason to know the dog was dangerous, and that the dangerous dog was directly responsible for the plaintiff’s/victim’s injuries.

Dog bite Lawyers

Dog Owner Liability for a Dog Bite in Victoria, TX

Dog owners have a duty to ensure their pet does not harm another person. Sadly, it’s not uncommon for negligent dog owners to ignore leash laws, fail to contain their dog properly, or underestimate the aggression of their beloved pet.

Unfortunately, dog bites can leave victims with serious injuries, including:

  • Fractures
  • Lacerations
  • Dislocation
  • Abrasions
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Disfigurement

Role of Dog Bite Injury Lawyers in Claiming Compensation :

If you suffered an injury as a result of a dog attack caused by the dog owner’s negligence or carelessness, you may have legal options. Texas follows the “one bite rule,” which means that the dog bite victim would need to prove that the animal’s owner knew their pet had previously bitten someone or had the tendency to be aggressive.

This law can make it more difficult to prove a claim, which is why you need a skilled dog bite lawyer with vast experience of dealing with dog attack cases by your side to help you build a strong case. Our attorneys are not afraid to work hard to uncover the finer details that could help determine whether or not you’re able to receive compensation.

What many victims don’t realize is that it’s not always necessary to file a lawsuit to obtain compensation. You may be able to file a claim against the dog owner’s homeowner’s insurance policy. It’s always best to seek legal advice from our attorneys to help you determine what steps should be taken.

Filing a claim against their insurance policy isn’t always a straightforward process. Insurance companies will do everything they can to either minimize the claim or outright deny it in order to reduce the amount they have to payout. We are not afraid to take on the insurance giants to ensure that dog bite victims receive the financial recovery they are entitled to.

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Bite Injuries in Dog Bite victims

Dog attacks can be very serious incidents, leaving victims with severe injuries that they may never fully recover from. When these injuries are caused by the negligent or intentional acts of others, the victim is entitled to seek full and just compensation. Call our Dog Bite Attorneys in Victoria Today!

In dog attack cases, the settlement amount can vary depending on several factors, including the severity and permanence of the injuries suffered, whether or not these resulted in lost time from work, and the level of pain and suffering endured. Your injury could provide you with monetary damages for your present and future medical bills, lost wages, loss of enjoyment of life, emotional distress, damages for your pain and suffering, and disfigurement.

Dog bite victims often fail to realize the full impact a dog attack can have on their lives and those of their loved ones. Sometimes it takes time to understand just how much the attack has affected them, not just physically, but also emotionally.

That’s why it’s crucial to take the time to determine the full extent of damages suffered when seeking compensation. Our experienced dog bite lawyers in Victoria know how to deal with dog attack cases and will work hard to maximize your recovery.

Find the right Dog Bite Lawyer in Victoria, Texas

If you or someone you love has suffered an injury from an animal attack, it’s essential that you consult our experienced dog bite lawyers in Victoria, Texas.

Our Bite Injury Attorneys have dealt with countless dog attack cases and will fight hard for you to ensure you receive the financial recovery you deserve.

Call our Law Office in Victoria to find out how our dedicated lawyers can help you with your case.


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