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Laredo Commercial Truck Accident Attorney : Texas Accident Injury Law Firm

Do You Understand Liability Issues When You are Hurt in a Trucking Accident in Laredo?

In Texas, and especially in and around Laredo, we have a lot of modern highways and multi-lane freeways. A lot of Trucks use those highways, tens of thousands of them at least.

They haul all types of goods to all parts of the state and country. Because Laredo has some refineries and the Eagle Ford in the area, they can be filled with all kinds of highly flammable petrochemicals and fuels. Transporting chemicals to the Eagle Ford and so on.

Although nine out of ten truckers are never a problem for Texas drivers, what about the remaining 10 percent? Just how good is that driver? How safe is the load they carry? How safe is the Truck itself? Does it even belong on the road? It’s no wonder you may feel a bit uneasy when a Truck pulls alongside you at 70 miles an hour on a crowded freeway. This is why accidents, injuries and even deaths are a near statistical inevitability when Trucks are on the road in and around Laredo and other communities along the Gulf coast.Laredo Truck Accident Attorney - 18 wheeler accident lawyers

Have you been hurt in an 18 Wheeler Accident

If you have been injured in a big rig accident or if a loved one was injured or killed in one, a Laredo Truck accident attorney at our Law Firm stands ready to help you. We continue to win many judgments for our clients and have litigated many of trucking accident cases during our 20-plus years of service to injury victims. We understand the pain you suffer and the financial weight you may bear after being involved in one of these horrible accidents.

In spite of your ability to recover from your injuries, your troubles are likely far from over. The difficulties you face in your quest to seek fair compensation for your injuries can be just as arduous as the physical injuries and pain you now suffer from the accident itself. Fighting for a fair settlement, even going to court to secure a fair injury award, often creates even more emotional stress and extends your fiscal problems. This is why we feel it is so important for you to know every one of the legal avenues available so that you can take the right action to win a just and fair restitution for your injuries, pain and suffering, and lost income.Who Owes You Damages For Your Injuries and Pain From a Laredo Truck Wreck?

If you have been hurt in a Truck accident, the first thing you must find out is whose fault it is in order to determine who is legally liable for injuries you suffered and your property damage. In a lot of Truck accidents, many parties may share liability for damages. As often as not, there is more than one defendant. A legal notion in Texas law called “respondent superior” states that employers of those determined to be liable for the wreck their employee causes can be held responsible for the action or inaction of their employee.

Many Factors may Play a Role

In a claim involving a Commercial Truck, a combination of several different parties can be responsible and subsequently held liable for the wreck. This includes the trucker, the company he or she works for, the company that loaded the trailer, the person who planned the truck’s route, and by connection to any responsible party, the insurance company that insured those who are liable.

Another source of liability is relatively new. Over the past few years, with the state outsourcing a lot of road maintenance duties, as well as highway construction to private industry, if a privately-owned company is performing road construction or maintenance and creates hazardous road conditions that cause a Truck accident in which you are the victim, these companies may also be held liable for a portion, or maybe all, of the liability arising from the accident. All private companies retained by the state to build and maintain Texas roads must document that they are properly insured or provide a very large liability through a bond.

To win your claim among a surplus of potential defendants, you need an experienced Laredo Truck accident attorney on your side that also can investigate the scene of an accident to discover who is liable. Naturally, local or state law enforcement agencies investigate all Truck accidents. In some instances, so does the US Department of Transportation (DOT), especially if a repeat offender of their statutes and laws governing interstate transportation is involved.

Those investigations often only reveal the primary responsible parties, such as the drivers or the company that owns the rig if the Truck has bad brakes or some other safety violation. But such investigations often fail to identify all underlying causes for the 18-wheeler accident, which often reveals every liable party who may have escaped criminal detection. Experienced 18-wheeler accident lawyers and their investigators are the ones who conduct these thoroughly stringent inquiries to identify everyone who is liable. They know how to determine the degree of each responsible party in every 18-wheeler accident. Occasionally our investigations reveal additional criminal facts of the accident that law officials miss. We pass them along to the appropriate agencies for further discretionary action.Did You Know?

Our Attorney has been fighting for 18-wheeler accident victims` rights for over 20 years. Call us to discuss your case. 210-202-4027

When you are injured in an 18-wheeler accident, your attorney must determine whether the negligent truck driver caused the wreck, if someone else played an important part, or if a mechanical malfunction might be responsible. What if the company that owned the cargo failed to load it correctly or didn’t safely secure the cargo, which caused it to break free during transport and topple the trailer? Or, did the route planner negligently send the truck into an area not properly zoned for Trucks? Or maybe flammable chemicals were loaded inside a tanker not rated to carry such dangerous materials and suddenly exploded, seriously injuring you as you drove alongside it on an inner Laredo freeway. Remember the ammonia tanker that unexpectedly exploded at the Southwest Freeway/610 interchange some years ago, where hundreds were hurt when they drove through the ammonia cloud?

It is rarely easy to determine immediate fault in a Truck accident. This is why you benefit in many ways through the experience of a Texas truck accident lawyer who will make sure that every liable party who is responsible for an 18-wheeler accident in Laredo is held responsible for your injuries, along with the damage to your vehicle, its passengers and other contents. What Happens if I Choose to Deal With an Insurance Company Myself and Don’t Hire an Experienced Attorney?

A non-attorney has a very hard time accumulating all the knowledge required to effectively negotiate a fair settlement with insurance companies or successfully represent him or herself in court. Representing yourself is possible, but winning is a very long shot. Litigation in commercial truck accident-related injury cases is extremely complex. Inexperienced attorneys have only a slightly better chance than you alone of recovering any reasonable compensation. So why would you even entertain such a foolish idea, especially when tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars are on the table? Would you fix your own pipes or build your own house on a vacant lot you purchased? You likely wouldn’t, and this is one of the reasons why you need the legal experience and investigative power of an attorney to represent your personal injury case from an 18 wheeler accident

Why you should have a great Attorney

Everyone has heard the old adage about the law: “Those who represent themselves have a fool for a client,” but it’s doubly disastrous in any personal injury case, especially one involving an Truck because the laws and procedures involved are so complex, and the playing field is often tilted in the favor of the trucking companies, their insurance providers and attorneys. Those who oppose you have deep pockets and years of experience at winning these kinds of cases. You need more than general knowledge of the law to succeed in trucking accident litigation.
Accident Lawyer Laredo

Here’s a little secret that few non-lawyers know. Legal knowledge doesn’t make up a third of all the necessary elements for success in personal injury cases. Successful litigation requires thorough knowledge of civil procedure and the ability to develop the perfect strategy necessary to battle the insurance companies and their defense lawyers. Legal novices, by their very definition, don’t have that. Your opponents respect doesn’t hurt either. This is why an experienced and highly regarded, respected Laredo Truck attorney who has spent years taking on the insurance companies and their lawyers, and beaten them, is a powerful weapon in your fight for just compensation.

Also, if you have a relative or friend who is a lawyer, even though he or she might be looking out for your best interests and might be inspired to fight hard for your rights when an Truck accident has befallen you, often, that person might have a difficult time disassociating him or herself emotionally from issues surrounding your case. Personal injury law is often quite intense. A specialized 18 wheeler attorney must be pragmatic, focus solely on the facts of a case and be very cool under fire if you are to be successful. What happens if that friend or relative attorney doesn’t win the case, or accepts a less-than-fair settlement because he knows how badly you need the money now? How will you feel about your friend of a relative then? Keep your family members and friends out of your legal business. You will be very wise to remember this when deciding who will represent your 18 wheeler liability lawsuit to your greatest benefit. Insurance Companies Are Great at Playing the Game of “No”

They need to have Insurance

The federal government requires trucking companies to purchase sizable insurance policies to protect against accidents. You may hold the misguided belief that the trucking insurance compensation process is quick and relative free of surprises so all you have to do is file a claim and wait for that inevitable and generous compensatory check.

This is an unlikely scenario. All insurance companies are in the business of taking in premiums and paying out as little as absolutely necessary in claims. Since insurance policies for Trucks involve huge sums of money, much greater than your personal car insurance coverage, the insurance company’s only mission is to keep from paying you fairly, and increase its high profits. So it comes as no surprise that insurance companies deny every claim possible, whenever possible and for as long as possible. They do this by habit. Without the right attorney on your side, collecting a fair settlement from an insurance company is anything but foolproof.

Who gets Compensated

While the Texas Civil Practices and Remedies Code grants the right for anyone who has been injured in an 18-wheeler accident, or the family of one who was killed to be compensated for the harm done, to seek compensation, the law doesn’t say reimbursement is automatically granted when a victim claims an injury or loss. This is the dirty little secret that insurance companies don’t want you to know until you find out the hard way by having to deal with an out-of-hand denial by an insurer.personal injury attorney Laredo

You, as plaintiff, must first prove the liability of the party responsible for the accident and the injuries you suffered from that accident. Furthermore, in any liability case, the plaintiff holds the burden of proof. You must clearly show that the money you’re asking for fairly reflects the loss you’ve experienced from those damages and injuries. The insurance company and the lawyers who represent them does everything possible to deny a plaintiff’s claim or argue that the level of restitution you seek is excessive and unreasonable.The Seedy Side of an Insurance Company: Adjusters Who are Not to be Trusted

What Role do Insurance Companies play

Insurance adjusters are often just as dangerous to the accident victims as the defense lawyers who represent their companies. Their goal is to help their employer, not you, plain and simple. They are interested solely in saving their companies money by denying your claim or underestimating the cost of the accident. An adjuster may act like your best friend and constantly assures you that all of your needs are met. Insurance adjusters are very clever. They know you probably have a good relationship with your car insurance agent. So they imitate your “good neighbor” auto agent and ease you into a false sense of security. Often they might innocently try and record you saying something that is later twisted into sounding like your admitting liability and destroy your chance to receive fair compensation. The trucking company’s insurance adjuster gets paid to deny or hinder your claim. Remember, insurance companies are in business for themselves, not you. Some unscrupulous adjusters even convince uninformed personal injury victims, often deceptively, to sign away the legal right to sue in exchange for a small settlement that never comes close to compensating the victim’s injuries or other losses from an 18-wheeler accident.

Corporate insurance adjusters and defense lawyers love nothing more than to find a victim who tries to represent his or herself. They know how easy it is to lead a novice around by the nose. The behavior of insurance adjusters alone should be proof enough of why you need an aggressive 18-wheeler accident lawyer who knows how to combat the tactics of the insurance companies and win your fair settlement. Only the history of success of an experienced Laredo Truck attorney with our Law Firm will combat unscrupulous insurance adjusters, frighten their insurance company employers into a fair settlement, or beat them in court if they don’t.

Insurance companies are even prepared to fight injury claims before accidents occur. They have experienced attorneys on staff or permanent retainers. They’re just waiting to take on personal injury claims. They specialize in cases like yours and know every trick to tilt the case in favor of their insurance company employers. Insurance defense lawyers race to the scene of an accident as soon as it happens and begin investigating to build a case against you while you are still deciding whether or not you even need to hire a lawyer. If you have been injured in a Truck accident, you mustn’t hesitate to find a Texas 18 wheeler accident law firm to help you. You only get one bite at the apple, and once it’s lost, there are no do-overs. Don’t make the dumb Mistake of Trusting a Trucker in an 18 Wheeler Accident

With so much at stake, you cannot trust the truck driver to tell the truth if he or she causes an expensive accident. If truck drivers are found to be liable for an accident, not only will they be fired, it could become very difficult for them to land a new job after costing his or her previous employer enormous damages due to his or her negligence. Sometimes trucking companies will make the driver the “fall guy” and fire him outright. Then they cover themselves of true responsibility or their negligence that caused the accident.

If this isn’t the driver’s first wreck behind the wheel of a truck it’s possible to lose either his state trucking drivers license or his DOT certification, which means the (former) truck driver has to find a new line of work. With the high unemployment rates in the United States, the temptation for that driver to lie, cheat or behave dishonestly to save their job is too great since that driver now risks losing the paycheck that supports his or her family.

After suffering an injury in an 18-wheeler accident in which the truck driver claimed that our client was driving with his lights off at night, our investigators quickly examined the scene. They discovered a security camera outside a convenience store that was pointed directly at its parking lot and the accident scene behind it. The video clearly showed our client’s headlights shining brightly. We proved that the truck driver boldly lied. Witnesses and defendants can lie and or callously misrepresent critical facts in trucking accident cases. The lawyers with our Law Firm know how to uncover the lies, and counter them with the truth to stop witness misrepresentations. Over the past 20 years, we have conducted hundreds of Truck accident investigations to get to the bottom of the case and won for our clients’ fair and just compensation by shining the light on the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Self-Insured Truck Companies Represent a Sinister Threat to Your Just CompensationPersonal Injury Attorneys Laredo

Partial Self Insurance by Trucking Companies

Some trucking companies protect against personal injuries from accidents by reserving a percentage of their assets to pay accident claims, instead of purchasing a coverage policy from an insurance carrier. And though federal and state governments monitor the insurance industry, licenses adjusters and hold insurance companies to ethical standards as best it can, no such regulations exist for self-insured trucking companies. Seeking compensation from these “self-insured” firms, or self-insured independent truckers can be far more difficult, and as chaotic as finding justice in the Old West.

You will pursue a settlement with an officer of the company, not an insurance adjuster. This company officer’s salary is typically tied directly to company profits. Any amount paid to you for an injury comes directly from the company coffers, meaning that when the company’s officer compensates you, he or she is taking money out of their own pocket. This is why we’re not surprised when a self-insured company officer stoops to any means to deny your claim, which protects the company’s assets. Self-insured companies (as well as independent truckers) have been known to willfully destroy damning evidence, bribe witnesses, and even physically intimidate their victims. There have been times when those intimidation attempts were directed at our clients. This is why every time our attorneys are hired against a liable self-insured party; the first action we take is to prevent anyone with the company from behaving unsuitably toward our clients. Often, we are forced to demand that they completely refrain from communicating with our clients unless one of our attorneys is present. Your Best Chance After an 18 Wheeler Accident is With Experience on Your Side

You need a competent Attorney at your site

Only after trying hundreds of cases can a lawyer learn the intricacies of developing the right tactics for success at trial or in negotiations with insurance companies in an 18-wheeler accident. Most people, and many inexperienced attorneys, don’t know the proper way to answer interrogatories, prepare demand packets, and conduct sophisticated depositions that get to the bottom of liability for the accident that caused injuries and pain. Experienced attorneys know how to conduct sophisticated accident investigations or respond to admissions lists. You need somebody who knows how to do all of this, and forcefully represents your interests. Laredo - south Texas Truck accident attorney

Insurance companies only agree to fair settlements if you are protected by an attorney with a history of success in court. While insurance companies and their lawyers are eager to take on non-lawyers and inexperienced attorneys, they fear us. When we file a claim, the insurance companies usually see the wisdom of settling with our clients for a fair amount. They want to avoid a trial, especially if they know you have a strong case. And from a fair settlement, our clients can resume living their lives again because we’ve negotiated that compensation on their behalf. What Should You Do Now?

What are your Responsibilities

You need to take steps to preserve the evidence in your case now, and to act quickly. You must hire a lawyer to begin investigating the accident scene immediately. Every moment you wait, evidence becomes stale, witnesses’ memories fade, or their stories can “mysteriously” change. The accident scene also becomes altered either by the passing of time, or because your opponents do it themselves. Physical evidence that proves your case also might begin to “mysteriously” disappear. As soon as we are hired, our Law Firm begins a thorough investigation of the accident scene to uncover the right evidence that proves liability of the truck driver, the trucking company and any other third-parties. We inspect all the vehicles involved, clearly survey the accident scene, measure distances, hunt for photographic and video evidence and assemble it all to clearly prove your case. We leave no stone unturned to uncover all the evidence that proves your claim beyond reproach.

For example, we were once hired by the families of two men who were involved in a terrible accident with a big rig. After the initial accident, the truck’s trailer was stretched across the unlit road on a moonless night. Only the taillights of the trailer hear the shoulder of the highway were visible to oncoming drivers. Our clients rounded a curve and unknowingly smashed into the trailer. One man died at the scene. The other was left fighting for his life.

The collision’s force ripped off the vehicle’s roof, killing the driver and critically injuring the passenger. The next day we were hired, flew to the scene of the accident and begin investigating that same day. Our client’s car had already been towed to a salvage yard by the time we arrived. After examining the vehicle, we noted its strange lack of headlights. Finding this odd, our investigators spotted a security camera on the premises and we asked to view the video. It showed an official of the trucking company illegally removing the headlights. When the company tried to claim our client had been driving a car without headlights, we produced a video that caught them red-handed. You can guess who won this case. But you don’t know that law enforcement officials and the U.S. Department of Transportation found this video very interesting. And you get a better idea of what we mean when we say that evidence can sometimes “mysteriously disappear.”

If the love ones of these two men drove down the road, minding their own business when tragedy found them, had waited any longer to hire us, this crucial evidence would have been gone forever, because the salvage yard’s surveillance system didn’t save its video for more than two days. And we can’t think of a stronger reason why Gulf coast victims of tractor-trailer accidents need to find a Laredo Truck attorney now, so the investigation can begin while the case, and evidence, is still fresh. Lies and missing evidence can cripple your legal right to fair compensation for a Truck accident from the moment it happens only if, by inaction, you allow it.We Can Help You Recover Your Life After an Truck Accident

The best way for a victim in a big rig accident to ensure full compensation is to find assistance from an experienced Laredo Truck attorney who knows how to prove the defendant’s undeniable liability clearly, and then win equitable damages